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MQGem Software Limited

Frequently Asked Questions

This page has been filtered to show questions specifically about the topic of training. To see the complete FAQ, click here.

Training related questions(Close all)

How do I get access to your online training?»

Send an email to our Training address and we will create you an ID on our learning platform. With this ID you can log on and access the free training module, and also self-serve using PayPal, any other training modules you want to take.

If I want to purchase multiple modules, do I have to do it one at a time?»

Not at all. We can group together multiple modules (also for multiple users if required) and invoice you with a single total which can then be paid by bank transfer or through PayPal. Once paid, we enrol the ID(s) on the modules purchased. Send an email to our Training address with your requirements and we'll get you all set up.

Is there a time limit for completing an online training module?»

There is currently no time limit set for completion of training modules.

How do I arrange for an on-site training course?»

Bespoke on-site training courses can be created specifically for your needs. Send an email to our Training address to start the process of putting together exactly the MQ training you require.

Can I trial online training before I buy?»

We have a free training module, 'MQG-101-00: First steps with IBM MQ', which is provided free of charge for a couple of reasons.

You can take this training module to decide whether you like our format of training before you proceed to purchasing a full-price module. To understand what is taught in each module, read the Training Brochure.