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MQGem Software Limited

Frequently Asked Questions

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Questions about the MQGem Company

Can we call you?

I am sorry but we don't provide a telephone number. Telephone communication is fraught with hazard. Firstly it is very unreliable, especially when different native languages and accents are concerned. Trying to communicate anything specific like invoice numbers, product prices, abend codes etc are all prone to mistakes. Secondly there is no record of what was said by either party. Email affords us an element of history so we can both refer back to any communication which again removes any misunderstandings. It also allows you to include diagrams, charts, PDF files etc which also helps with information transfer. Thirdly telephone calls require appointments and organising. Very often one or other of the parties is detained or forgets and the call has to be postponed which is a waste of time for everybody. And lastly there is the time-zone issue. We sell products all over the world, literally, and we are on a rather awkward time-zone to begin with. We do not want to be in a situation of customers or resellers calling us in all hours of the night because they forgot where we were. Now, having said all that, when email is not sufficient, we are happy to participate in a conference call to chat to you and we have done so on a number of occasions.