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MQGem Software Limited

Frequently Asked Questions

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Licence related questions

What information do I need to provide to buy my licence?

In order to generate the licence, we need certain pieces of information. The exact pieces of information vary depending on the type of licence as shown in the table below.

Licence FieldNeeded for Licence Type






Contact Name
For example: Paul Clarke
Email Address
For example:
For example: MQGem Software Ltd
User Id    
For example: pclarke
Machine Name    
For example: machine1
For example: Head Office, London

Look at the Purchase page for more details about each of these fields.

Each product allows you to display the User Id and Machine Name values required. All you need to do is download and run the required product, following the instructions shown in FAQ questions below.

It is important that these values are the ones found by the product running on the required machine. Do not guess what these values are.